Serious Games Projects funded by ALIVE.
From 2018-2022, a total of 16 projects were funded.
REhabilitation of Vision in a vIrtual rEality World (RE-VIEW)
Dr. Tan Xiu Ling, Asst. Prof. Reddy Mogali
To evaluate the utility of VR gamification with eye-tracking in the rehabilitation of patients with homonymous hemianopia.
AARA-DA: AI-powered avatar, Adaptive progression and Remediation Analytics for DyscalculiA
Dr. Lim Choon Guan, Asst. Prof. Azilawati Jamaludin
To develop a tool that would lead to statistically significant gains in cognitive and affective measures among those who are dyscalculic-at-risk (to compare to single-dimension cognitive interventions).
Project DEFEND - Digital Evolution of Foot Education iN Diabetes
Ms. Tiffany Chew, Prof. Konstadina Griva
To develop a novel VR Diabetic Foot Screening Module to provide a better learning process with unlimited amount of guided practice at customized pace and level of proficiency.
Is Gamification more Efficacious then Conventional Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ) in a Telegram Surgical Education platform?
Dr. Clement Chia, Asst. Prof. Loraine Tudor Car
Investigate whether gamification is superior to conventional quizzing in terms of cognition, perceived self-efficacy and learner satisfaction.
Project ALIVE!: Bringing post-graduate Core Acute Medicine teaching alive through gameplay
Dr. June Koh, Assoc. Prof. Koh Nien Yue
(i) To develop a curiculum on a gamified mobile application platform based on case scenarios and allows for knowledge application and decision making that can be used as an adjunct for learning. (ii) To create a game with realistic elements for doctors
A Novel Trainer-Trainee Model for Game-Based Rehearsal of Diabetes Management
Dr. Rinkoo Dalan, Dr. Reddy Mogali
To develop a simulation-based diabetes management digital game incorporating a trainer-trainee model that allows personalised rehearsal activity after taking each learner's strength and weaknesses into consideration
Use of Gamification to Promote Medication Adherence through Patient Education
Ms. Tan Keng Teng, Prof. Theng Yin Leng
To explore the use of technology and gamification to educate and improve patient's understanding of their medical conditions and medications and hence be more adherent to their prescribed medications
Virtual Reality Surgical Airway Training (VSaT) in COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Tay Kon Voi, Dr. Kenneth Lim
To use Vsat as a simulation of clinical scenatio of airway obstruction to familiarise junior doctors with clinical cases, ariway anatomy, physiology, indications for surgical airway creation, stepwise approach for residents to perform procedures, common pitfalls, and handlings of complications.
A Gamified Emotional Bias Modification Intervention for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Dr. Melvyn Zhang, Dr. Ranganath Vallabhajosyula
The conventional methods or tasks challenge the motivation and engaging capabilities of children with ADHD. This study aims aimed to create a game prototype based on the DOT PROBE TASK to meet the challenges and check the efficacy of application to determine the emotional attention biases.
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Publication 2
Interactive Conversational Game-based Therapy Program Targeting Patients with Aphasia
Koh Sze Khee, Assoc. Prof. Konstadina Griva
To develop a conversational-based game therapy app to bridge maximise therapeutic outcomes for strokes patients by increasing frequency of therapy (use it as an adjunct therapy tool), using culturally relevant stimuli to promote treatment saliency, targeting functional communication skills to promote community reintegration, etc.
Antibiotic SteWARdS
Dr. Angela Chow, Assoc. Prof. Yeo Tsin Wen
To use serious game to address knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs of individuals towards antibiotics use.
Gamification of Research methodology course for Enhanced Efficacy (GREE)
Dr. Xie Huitung, Dr. Preman Rajalingam
To develop a game to enhance the interest of leaners from the healthcare setting about research methodology.
Using a gamification learning approach to improve nurses’ knowledge and skills in managing code blue situations
Dr. Yuan Peng, Dr. Ranganath Vallabhajosyula
A game, simulated and interactive application will be developed to impart the knowledge and skills of resuscitation management and stimulate critical and rapid decision making in the code blue process.
Gamified M-Health Bias Modification Intervention for Substance Use Disorders
Dr. Melvyn Zhang, Prof. Helen Smith
To develop and evaluate the feasibility of a gamified attention bias modification intervention for individuals with highly prevalent substance use disorders.
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Publication 2
Publication 3
Innovative Mobile-based Serious Game Application to Improve Technical and Cooperative Skills in Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Dr. Aung Myint Oo, Dr. Ranganath Vallabhajosyula
To develop a mobile based serious game incorporating the hidden curriculum of technical and cooperative skills required in minimally invasive surgeries, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the serious game prototype through randomized control study.
GoActive: Redesigning Rehabilitation and Integration of Health Behaviours for Chronic Pain Management
Dr. Yang Su-Yin, Assoc. Prof. Konstadina Griva
To design and develop a 3-dimensional game play (GoACTive) that incorporates individualised coaching, integration of self-awareness and positive health behaviours of chronic pain management; to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of GoACTive via a pilot trial comparing pain education with and without GoACTive.